The Arizona Assembly

The Original Arizona Government


Correcting Your Political Status And

Becoming an American State National

Correcting your political status is a crucial first step to regaining your freedom, and upholding your rights!

The mission of the Assembly is to free our Country and all people around the World from the oppression of the Central Banks and their created and owned governments created through maritime corporate law and their endless funnel of money.

The Assembly is the government of, for, and by the people under the Land & Soil Jurisdiction. Its purpose is to help people reclaim their Sovereign Nationality and their God-given Unalienable Rights.

Do you want to live in liberty and by your countries original Constitution? Live according to common law, your Bill Of Rights and God given unalienable rights?

Take the time to watch the interview with Arizona Assembly Coordinator Dennis Knill ->

Arizona Assembly Members, honor, respect, keep the peace, and uphold the Public Law!

The Plan To Save America

By returning your God-given rights of your living soul to the land and soil of your residence here in Arizona, you reclaim your true self and true self-governance.  We will help guide you. The following article from Judge Anna Von Reitz explains how dual citizenship works in our country and politics. This article begins to explain why you want to claim your birth right back to the Land and Soil to correct your political status and why you need to do this right away.

Click here or on the image to the left to download the PDF.